Sunday, December 21, 2008

Caroline Kennedy: NY Socialite to US Senator?

Now that Caroline Kennedy is being seriously considered by New York Governor David Paterson for an appointment to fill Hillary Clinton's Senate seat, it's time to basically run her through the political wringer. Don't get all weak and weepy about the scrutiny that she is going to be put under in the next few weeks - if she is going to be New York's junior Senator, she deserves a good look-see.

Since she is a Kennedy and a big Obama fan, we can make a reasonable assumption that Caroline is going to vote in lockstep with the liberals of the Swamp.

But just what exactly are Kennedy's qualifications to be Senator? Well, she outright ignored that question when it was posed in Syracuse last week. Which is a bit telling in itself. After all, why should this respected member of American royalty have to explain herself to the proletarians, right?

She did, however, bring up a few reasons why she should be seriously considered for the appointment a few days later. She's written some books, she's been a fundraiser, and she's always been interested in politics. She's just never voted very much.

It's pretty apparent what's going on here. Kennedy has probably always wanted to serve in public office. She's just never wanted to go through the trouble of actually campaigning for it. Now an opportunity has come along to fulfill her dream of getting something for nothing (hasn't that been fulfilled already?) and she wants to grab it.

What would be even more appropriate is to have a special election to replace Clinton. Letting the people decide who their representative should be in the Senate would be quaint and clever, and even democratic.