Tuesday, March 03, 2009

YRs Electing Republicans...

This past weekend, Members of the NYYRC and Team Renewal traveled to Naugatuck, Connecticut to help fellow YR Rosa Rebimbas in her quest to win the 70th State Representative District in CT. We walked the district and knocked on doors to remind folks that even though there was a snowstorm heading into town, it was important to come out and vote for Rosa. The Special Election took place yesterday and by a 78 vote margin, Rose won (1043-965)! Time and again, YRs make all the difference in these races and on behalf of the CTYRs, I humbly thank all those who helped to put Rosa over the top.

Let's harness this momentum and bring even more folks upstate to help Jim Tedisco in his special election campaign for the 20th Congressional District. If you're interested in helping, we've targeted the weekend of March 21st and 22nd and Email Matthew Hindin at Campaigns@nyyrc.com for more info. (Special Election: March 31st).

If you cannot commit to a weekend, please donate here: DONATE