Monday, November 26, 2007

Never Believe that Anyone Described as Populist is a Fiscal Conservative

Robert Novak has a brilliant column in the Washington Post today on how Huckabee is a false conservative, who is appealing to the evangelicals in the party because of his views on social issues, but has a very liberal fiscal record. I think it says everything that his economic views are frequently referred to as ‘populist’ and am pleased to see that Novak is calling him out on his history of raising taxes and penchant for anti-market reforms.

The Economist recently had a great article which examines the feasibility of some of Huckabee’s claims, including the flaws in his fair tax plan and some isolationist statements he has made that contradict the picture of a free market conservative that he claims to be.

Though I disagree with the social views of all of the candidates except for Giuliani, I could look past that and vote for McCain, Romney or Thompson. But what do Republicans like me get by voting for Huckabee? Why would we vote for someone that we disagree with on just about everything? If we’re going to have a president that’s likely to raise taxes and institute agendas that stifle the free market, well, then I would at least like someone that’s not going to try to legislate morality.

If Mike Huckabee wins the GOP nomination, I believe that many ‘socially liberal’ Republicans who have stood by the party despite its stance on many social issues because at least we were putting more fiscally responsible candidates into office, are either going to stay home on election day, or vote for Hillary.

I despise Hillary, but if my choice is between her and Huckabee, I’ll choose the lesser of two evils and pull the lever for Hillary.

The False Conservative (The Washington Post)
Faith, Hope and Populism (The Economist)

Ed. Note: The NYYRC does not endorse during primary elections. The views expressed here are the personal views of the author and should not be considered an endorsement by the NYYRC.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Meeting This Thursday - Monica Crowley


New York, NY - The New York Young Republican Club (NYYRC) will hold our November monthly meeting on Thursday, November 15, 2007. The featured speaker will be radio talk show host Monica Crowley.

Monica Crowley hosts a national radio show, The Monica Crowley Show, which she began hosting on WABC in New York in 2002 and now airs on major market stations across the country. Crowley has appeared as a guest on ABC, NBC, FOX and HBO. Crowley worked as a Foreign Policy Assistant to former President Richard Nixon from 1990 until his death in 1994 and has written two best-selling books, Nixon off the Record: His Candid Commentary on People and Politics and Nixon in Winter. She has also written pieces for The New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, The Baltimore Sun and The New York Post.

Join us at the Union League Club, located at 38 East 37th Street, on Thursday, November 15, 2007, beginning at 7PM. Business attire required. Please check your coat at the door and turn off your cell phone. This event is free and open to the public. Media please RSVP to

The New York Young Republican Club, Inc., is a not-for-profit political organization that exists to bring Republicans aged 18-40 together to discuss the Republican Party platform and aid the Republican Party in the education of the public about the Republican agenda and the promotion of Republican candidates for office. To find out more about the New York Young Republican Club, Inc. please visit the Website at

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Cramer Calls Cuomo Out

This is great – Jim Cramer went off on AG Cuomo last night on ‘Mad Money’ and called him a communist for trying to shut down the mortgage industry. Check it out:

CNBC's Cramer: New York AG Cuomo a 'Communist' – Business & Media Institute

The Democrats, in the supposed interest of 'helping the poor,' are trying to impose regulations on the lending industry that will ultimately make it difficult for low-income families with good credit to purchase homes. The institutions that made the risky sub-prime loans have already been punished by the market, more regulation is not the answer.

WSJ/NBC Poll Shows Clinton Vulnerable to Giuliani

A WSJ/NBC poll shows that 50% of voters would prefer a Democrat as our next president, compared to 35% that would prefer a Republican. However, Hillary is polling poorly on “honesty, likeability and sharing their positions on the issues,” which leaves even many Democrats hesitant to vote for her. This is evident in a head-to-head match-up with Rudy, which currently has them in a dead heat – Hillary 46%, Rudy 45%.

Rudy’s momentum continues - he still leads the Republican field with 33%, and has recently picked up an endorsement from Pat Robertson.

As I said in the debate the other night, in addition to being the best candidate for the job, Rudy is our best chance of keeping Hillary out of the White House.*

Poll Suggests Clinton is VulnerableThe Wall Street Journal

*Ed. Note - The NYYRC does not endorse prior to a primary. These are the personal views of the author and do not constitute any official endorsement.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Straw Poll Results

For Immediate Release November 7, 2007Contact: Jen Saunders, Public Relations ChairE-mail:


New York, NY - The New York Young Republican Club (NYYRC) announced today the results of a straw poll which followed the 2008 election debate held by the club at which more than 90 people were in attendance.

Club members represented the views of primary candidates Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, John McCain, Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee on key issues in the 2008 election such as taxes, defense, immigration, healthcare, education and social issues.

Following the debate, dues-paying members were invited to cast their votes in a straw poll. Non-members who wanted to participate were able to join on-site.

The results of the straw poll were as follows:
Ron Paul 26; Rudy 21; Romney 6; McCain 4; Huckabee 2; Hunter 1; Thompson 1; Cox 0; Keyes 0; Tancredo 0

The NYYRC does not endorse prior to a primary and this straw poll does not constitute any official endorsement.

The meeting was held at the Metropolitan Republican Club, 122 East 83rd Street.

The New York Young Republican Club, Inc., is a not-for-profit political organization that exists to bring Republicans aged 18-40 together to discuss the Republican Party platform and aid the Republican Party in the education of the public about the Republican agenda and the promotion of Republican candidates for office. To find out more about the New York Young Republican Club, Inc. please visit the Website at

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


The New York Young Republican Club (NYYRC) members will participate in a 2008 election debate on November 6, 2007, which will be followed by the first straw poll to be held in New York state.

Club members will represent the views of the primary candidates on key issues in the 2008 election.Following the debate, dues-paying members will be invited to cast their votes in a straw poll. The NYYRC does not endorse prior to a primary and the straw poll does not constitute any official endorsement.

Representatives of the presidential campaigns have been invited and will have literature on hand.

Join us at the Metropolitan Republican Club, 122 East 83rd Street, between Park & Lexington Avenues, on Tuesday, November 6, 2007, beginning at 7PM.

Food and drink will be provided.

This event is free and open to the public.

The New York Young Republican Club, Inc., is a not-for-profit political organization that exists to bring Republicans aged 18-40 together to discuss the Republican Party platform and aid the Republican Party in the education of the public about the Republican agenda and the promotion of Republican candidates for office. To find out more about the New York Young Republican Club, Inc. please visit the Website at