Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Rudy Should have Played up his Social Stances MORE?!?!?!?!

Hey Folks,
In the wake of the dissappointing loss of our Former Mayor, in Florida, there's an interesting piece written on his social views and how he did not play them up enough... Take a look and let us know what you think:

NYYRC Super Tuesday Party

Please join the New York Young Republican Club as we watch Super Tuesday Returns. Meet other like-minded Young Professionals as we watch returns during one of the most important political nights in 2008 and find out what other Young Republicans in New York think of the 2008 election. Drinks Specials and assorted appetizers and fondues.

Date: Tuesday, February 5th
Location: Honey, 243 W. 14th St, Btwn 7th and 8th Avenues
Time: 7PM-10PM

Drink Specials & Food: $5 apple martinis, watermelon martinis, and cosmos, $4 select draught beers and $3 Bud Select bottles. Food will include a selection of appetizers and fondues.



Friday, January 18, 2008

A Must Read in Today's Journal

Fantastic piece on race and politics by Christopher Hitchens in The Wall Street Journal today. Even if you’re not as big of a Hitchens fan as I am, it is definitely worth checking out.

The Perils of Identity Politics – The Wall Street Journal

Thursday, January 17, 2008

NYYRC Members meet Jonah Goldberg!

Jonah Goldberg came to the NYYRC's January Meeting and spoke to a packed house of over 125 Young Republicans and Non-Members alike. His new book, "Liberal Fascism," sold out at the meeting, and evidently in all of the nearby Barnes and Nobles in Manhattan.

We wish Jonah the best on his book tour -- Check out more info here:

ALSO -- Jonah comments this morning on his blog:

P.S. Any pics taken -- Please forward to and w'ell upload them to our site!