Tuesday, February 19, 2008

NYYRC February Meeting


New York, NY - The New York Young Republican Club will hold our February monthly meeting on Thursday, February 21, 2008. The featured speakers will be conservative author and legal analyst Mark Smith, and New York State Senator Marty Golden.

Mr. Smith will make his second appearance at the NYYRC to discuss his newly released book The Official Handbook of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy 2008: The Arguments You Need to Defeat the Loony Left This Election Year. Mr. Smith first spoke to the club in 2004.

Senator Golden will provide a legislative update on the goings on in Albany, aside from Eliot Spitzer's fall from grace.

Please join us at the Metropolitan Club, located at 122 East 83rd St. on Thursday, February 21, 2008, beginning at 7PM.

Email info@nyyrc.com with questions. Please send media inquiries to pr@nyyrc.com.

The New York Young Republican Club, Inc., is a not-for-profit political organization that exists to bring Republicans aged 18-40 together to discuss the Republican Party platform and aid the Republican Party in the education of the public about the Republican agenda and the promotion of Republican candidates for office. To find out more about the New York Young Republican Club, Inc. please visit the Website at http://www.nyyrc.com.

WSJ Considers "How Right is McCain?"

In The Wall Street Journal today, Pete DuPontexamines the question, “How Right is McCain?”

Some of McCain’s key conservative stances:
· Determined to finish the job in Iraq and stand tough on Iran
· Supports building nuclear power plants – a great source of clean energy
· Supports individual social security accounts
· Opposes HillaryCare/RomneyCare/etc
· Supports school choice and vouchers
· Wants to end agriculture subsidies, including ethanol, because they are an impediment to free markets (considering that there is now evidence that the production of ethanol actually releases more carbon into the atmosphere than is saved by burning ethanol over gas, it is seriously time to stand up to the flyover states and end these subsidies)
· Supports eliminating the alternative minimum tax and reform the tax code, and make the Bush tax cuts permanent
· Supports free trade

DuPont concludes that McCain is “mostly conservative” – but is that enough?

McCain-Feingold was a horrible piece of legislation and McCain’s anti-pharma rhetoric causes me serious concern, but considering the anti-market, populist economic views of Clinton, Obama and Huckabee, McCain’s strong background on many conservative issues makes him by far the best option for conservatives and I am confident that he would be a strong leader and a great president.

As for the conservative outcry over McCain’s candidacy, I think that it is important to put things into perspective – is McCain really worse for the conservative cause than Bush’s compassionate conservatism?

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Super Tuesday Redux

Thank you to everyone that came out to our Super Tuesday party last night, and a special thanks to those who agreed to do media interviews.

As a McCain supporter, I'm very pleased with the results. McCain performed quite strongly and has further defined himself as the clear frontrunner. Romney was on the cable news shows this morning still vowing to fight on though.

Watching the morning news shows, I'm finding myself more and more disgusted with Huckabee. He was asked on Fox News about the tornados in the south and rather than just expressing his sorrow he turned it into a campaign pitch about his 10 1/2 years as governor. I saw him later in the hour on CNN - I'd be very interested if someone could tell me just how he contributed to strengthening national security as governor of Arkansas for 10 1/2 years (he really loves to throw out that figure) - this is not an exaggeration, he seriously made this claim.

I'm interested to see the reaction from Ron Paul supporters today - with less delegates than uncommitted, things aren't looking too promising for him.

The Democratic race remains close - as much as I'd like to see Obama pull ahead and give Clinton an early defeat, I still believe she's more likely to rile up our base to get out and vote in November.

Just a reminder - the NYYRC does not endorse during a primary election.