Grover Norquist speaking to NYYRC tonight!
How do we fight to keep tax-and-spend liberals from raising our taxes? What is the impact of higher government spending going to be on your wallet? And what can be done to make elected officials accountable on fiscal issues?
You will hear the answers to these questions and more Thursday, March 22nd at the New York Young Republican Club general meeting.
Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform, will be our featured speaker. He will talk candidly about tax and spending issues facing Congress, and what we as citizens can do to make them accountable to us.
Also, Matthew Mahoney, Deputy Senior Political Advisor for the Rudy Giuliani presidential campaign, will give us an update on the Giuliani campaign and how interested members can help out.
We will also be accepting nominations for Club officers. Anyone interested in running for Club president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, or Chairman of the Board of Advisors, please contact Elections Chairman Craig Schwartz at for details.
As always, we will meet at the Union League Club at 38 East 37th Street, New York, NY. The meeting starts at 7:00pm.
Business attire required. Please turn off your cell phone upon entry.