For this we need a panel discussion?
This past Wednesday the other Young Republican Club (don’t ask) and a respected group of individuals from various think tanks held a panel discussion on the state of the GOP to ask why we continue to have difficulties gaining traction in New York. I wasn’t there but from comments of people who were and an article by New York Times columnist Patrick Healy, it’s no surprise that it became a, blame the governor party. What I find most ironic about these attacks on Governor Pataki is that the same groups continuously like to attack and blame the one Republican who consistently has been elected statewide for over a decade in a state heavily Democrat. Never mind studying and learning how he did it so we can copy his format, it’s much easier to just blame him for not making his coattails long enough to be held onto.
The panel discussion proposed three questions that were:
How did we get to this point?
Is it too late to change our fate?
What can we do to fix our party?
Personally I don’t think you need to have a discussion on such questions. The idea is as funny as a bunch of Democrats sitting in Kentucky trying to have the same debate as why Republicans always win there. However for fun I’ll answer the questions for you.
How did we get to this point?
To begin, New York as a state is heavily controlled by unions whether they be the Teachers Union or TWU. Like a sheep following their shepherded the union workers have bought into their leaders call to vote democrat. New York has also become a large immigrant state and frankly Democrats have done a good job exploiting those groups and neighborhoods. The districts are drawn to be in favor for Democrats as they are for Republicans in Texas. As an example Flushing has become one of the largest Asian communities in the country and growing. John Liu has become the first Asian elected to the City Council and is no surprise a Democrat. We as a party have to ask why did John Liu become a Democrat instead of a Republican. Unfortunately he became a Democrat and now will control Flushing for decades to come, how that is Governor Pataki’s fault is beyond me. This scenario is being played out all over the city and state, as Democrats have become pros at brainwashing minority communities into voting for them.
Other problems are that the Republicans in this state continue to move away particularly down South, which is why New York has lost congressional seats over the last several decades while states in the South have gained and grown more Republican. Those that have stayed have been those married to the system of handouts New York has created that vote unsurprisingly Democrat. Basically our base has moved while we still stay wondering why we’re not getting votes.
Finally it also doesn’t help that the media in New York is as liberal as they come so anyone reading the New York Times, Observer, Daily News, NY1 or Eldario are getting their daily dose of subliminal messages that Democrats are good and Republicans bad.
Is it too late to change our fate?
I think one thing that can change our fate is if Democrats continue to tax us into submission, which they are getting close. There has already been some backlash in Long Island over unaffordable property taxes, which are issues as a party candidates need to jump on. In my opinion getting elected is like selling a product to the consumer. It’s never to late to transform and turn yourself around. As a party in New York we need to find our Ipod.
What can we do to fix our party?
To the fix the party we need to start from the ground up. We need to be patient and look for long term success not immediate gratification as many of our candidates want. I look at people like Emily Csendes who has been building a brand name for herself and knows one day it will pay dividends despite her lumps today. In an article this week in the Economist about the scarcity of black Republicans, the Economist points out how it’s amazing considering most of the things the black community believes in are similar to the Republican creed like being socially conservative (banning partial birth abortion and gay marriage) and school choice, two things elected black democrats consistently have voted against. The Economist points out despite those connections Democrats get a head start in the communities with the youth, who only see Democrats helping with coaching sports leagues and other good works. When was the last time anyone on that panel discussion, rolled up their sleeves and volunteered at organizations like Harlem RBI.
Finally I don’t think our party needs fixing, unless you believe our Republican creed needs to be changed. What needs to be fixed is how we convey that creed to the citizens of this state when we have monumental forces against us like the media and unions. We also should remember that it was not to long ago, where Republicans thought we would never gain control of the government nationally and look where we are today. If Governor Pataki is anything, it’s a symbol that the Republican Party can get elected in New York not the problem.